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Why Clean Beauty?

We truly believe that using natural, organic, eco-friendly products is the safest and most effective way to look and feel your best.


We only use high quality natural ingredients in our formulas and avoid preservatives when possible. 


We never use artificial fragrance, parabens, triclosan, phthalates or other harmful ingredients in our formulas.


Increasing studies link these chemicals and others in traditional cosmetics, skincare, and other personal care products to health conditions such as allergies, hormonal disruptions, cancer, among others. While other companies may claim to use all natural ingredients by using words like eco, ethical, natural, and clean the legal standards for this in the US are all over the map.


In fact the US only bans 11 ingredients (out of thousands) that are shown to be harmful, linked to cancer, or can be toxic. In contrast, the EU bans over 1,300!


All that to say, theres a good chance your body wash, face wash, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, etc. are loaded with chemicals that can be potentially hazardous to everyday life. I personally don't want to find out something I've been using for years is linked to cancer. That's why I created the White Rabbit Naturals line. Natural and Organic Ingredients make up 100% of our products.



that you can feel good about.